D3.3 – Student Training and Course Deployment 4 – UMU

During the project’s first phase, 58 students were trained at Umeå University. Students from two courses, Operations Management 7.5 ECTS and Corporate Entrepreneurship 7.5 ECTS, have been part of the training.

In the operations management course, Deep Tech areas covered include technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and how it is possible to track material in logistic chains. Digitalization and AI are essential in today’s manufacturing and in the processes to deliver products and services. In the Corporate Entrepreneurship course, Deep Tech areas covered include machine learning (AI), Autonomous Systems, AI for Text and Speech Interpretation, Remote Sensing, and Drone Technologies. These Deep Tech samples were used to exemplify how large corporates collaborate with Deep Tech startups.

In both courses, cases and samples from the teams on research are used.

Students trained 
HEI Umeå UnivPartner KPI
Operations Management 7.5 ECTS44
Corporate entrepreneurship 7.5 ECTS14

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