Entries by jose

Development and use of AI chatbots

On Friday February 2nd, as representative for the INCREDIT-project, Thommie Burström performed a communication event in collaboration with Hanken Business Lab. The event was broadcasted globally and concerned the development and use of AI chatbots. The target group was entrepreneurs and students. The link to the event: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7159169571432603648

A Brief Summary of INCREDIT Phase 1 at Aalto

Today, we had an excellent meeting with the EIT HEI Initiative team and our Project Officers, and we’re excited to announce that now, at the end of Phase 1, the INCREDIT consortium has been able to not only match, but will surpass, all of the KPIs that we had set out for our project in […]


Trainers Workshop

The purpose of the event is to create better understanding on how deep tech can be integrated into education. For that purpose, I can imagine no better place than IdeaSquare, which is a platform created to bring together CERN deep tech and education. The workshop will be a combination of getting inspired by experienced teachers […]