Entries by Diego Lozano


Latest trends in Deep Tech: AI and Cybersecurity – INCREDIT Final Conference

INCREDIT Final Conference was organised in September, the 18th, Wednesday, from 15h00’ to 16h30’ CEST under the theme “Latest trends in Deep Tech: AI and cybersecurity”. The aim was to present the work carried out during the project in the different work packages, along with their outcomes, as well as to introduce the general public […]

INCREDIT publishes “Understanding Generative AI” free-to-use learning material

Experiences gathered during INCREDIT compiled to an Open Education Resource During review meeting in May at Aalto, experiences from student and faculty training sessions were shared by all consortium members. The most essential things to understand about generative AI based on consortium members experiences from organizing and participating in practice-oriented workshops and training sessions throughout […]


Highly successful INCREDIT consortium meeting

INCREDIT held on 22-23 May its phase 2 consortium meeting at the Design Factory of Aalto University in Finland. The meeting, attended by partners from UMU, VAMK, HANKEN, UNIR & Aalto, started with an interesting exchange of experiences and quick summary of key performance indicators, results, milestones and upcoming deadlines, as well as a review […]

D3.4 – Student Training and Course Deployment 5 – UNIR

Deliverable D3.4 presents the results of the AI training course designed and implemented by UNIR to support INCREDIT project activities to train academic, non-academic, and student targets for the EIT Deep Tech initiative. Deliverable D3.4 is a document that covers the design, implementation, and assessment of the INCREDIT UNIR AI Training (Course on AI), including […]

D3.3 – Student Training and Course Deployment 4 – UMU

During the project’s first phase, 58 students were trained at Umeå University. Students from two courses, Operations Management 7.5 ECTS and Corporate Entrepreneurship 7.5 ECTS, have been part of the training. In the operations management course, Deep Tech areas covered include technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and how it is possible to […]

D3.2 – Student Training and Course Deployment 3 – VAMK

The inclusion of deep tech topics in the following courses at Vaasa University of Applied Sciences has successfully enriched our students’ learning journey, providing new dimensions and capabilities as demonstrated in these programs. Basics of Programming (Ohjelmoinnin perusteet), which commenced on August 31, 2023, is designed to provide students with a fundamental understanding of programming […]

D3.1 – Student Training and Course Deployment 2 – Aalto

This Deliverable Report (3.1) aims to provide a summary of all the student training and mentoring activitiesundertaken at Aalto University in Phase 1 of the INCREDIT Project. In total, 3 master’s Level courses trained a total of156 students and mentored 60 students. Predominantly, the courses involved looking at entrepreneurial andinnovation centric topics with elements of […]

D3.0 – Student Training and Course Deployment 1 – Hanken

Here, the results from Hankens’ contribution to WP 3 (Student training and course deployment) deliverables during phase 1 are reported. As we found it very motivating and achievable, we put a great effort in adding significant deep-tech elements to entrepreneurship courses at Hanken. At Hanken, we implemented training in seven different courses: (1) 18016 Business […]

D5.2 – Follow up on Communication & DisseminationActivities of Phase 1

Deliverable D5.2 presents the Communication and Dissemination (Comm&Diss) actions that have been conducted by INCREDIT Consortium during the 8 first months of the project following the strategy presented in deliverable D5.0. This deliverable aims to report on all communication and dissemination activities conducted during Phase 1 [M1-M8] of INCREDIT project and adjust the project’s strategy […]

D5.1 – Public Communication Tools

Deliverable D5.1 presents the Public Communication Tools that will be used to support INCREDIT consortium to communicate and disseminate the project activities and results at national and European scales and to reach the impact objectives. INCREDIT stands for an innovative and visionary network that not only helps consumers to access Deep Tech Learning efficiently but […]