Entries by Badr Ghorbal

EIT-HEI INCREDIT Project Visit Umeå University 

In the EIT HEI Initiative context, the Department of Informatics welcomes INCREDIT partners from 13.11.2023 to 15.11.2023 at the Umeå University Campus. The scope of this meeting is ´experience sharing´ and ´evaluation workshops for all INCREDIT training realised in the past months. Do not hesitate to contact Dr. Ted Saarikko and Prof. Tomas Blomquist for additional […]


Kick-off Meeting

INCREDIT Project – Kick-off Meeting was held at Aalto University (Helsinki) from the 28th until the 30th of August 2023.

What do you buy when you buy an AI system?

By Pr Frank Dignum – Professor at the Department of Computing Science at Umeå Universitet The hype around ML has been big for some time now and even became more prominent when ChatGPT was released. Many companies and public organisations are starting to experiment with AI systems, as everyone feels they should not miss out. […]