INCREDIT publishes “Understanding Generative AI” free-to-use learning material
Experiences gathered during INCREDIT compiled to an Open Education Resource
During review meeting in May at Aalto, experiences from student and faculty training sessions were shared by all consortium members. The most essential things to understand about generative AI based on consortium members experiences from organizing and participating in practice-oriented workshops and training sessions throughout the INCREDIT project have now been crystalized into two poster “Understanding Generative AI: The Building Blocks” and “Understanding Generative AI: Prompting”. These posters have been published as open access learning materials with accompanying Teacher’s Guide.
“We hope that these posters with their lively and fun illustrations help teachers and students alike to get a feeling that it is possible to master these technologies and understand how they work,” says Mikaela Krohn, project employee for INCREDIT at Hanken School of Economics who has authored and supervised the work on creating these posters.
Understanding Generative AI posters are licensed under Creative Commons license CC BY-SA-NC 4.0, published in Library of Open Educational Resources and indexed worldwide to all libraries educational resource search under keywords like AI and generative artificial intelligence. To download the materials go to